Since the legalization of marijuana in various US states, there’s no stopping the production and selling of the substance in various forms. It is no longer just for people who want to smoke to get high. Manufacturers offer it in several formulas, including medical products, food, and beverage.
For one, organic CBD or marijuana extract is used as a potent ingredient in products like turmeric relief creams. The ingredient helps boost the strength of turmeric in potentially healing inflamed and swollen joints and muscles. But the cream is just one of the many forms. Today, marijuana can be smoked, vaped, applied on the skin, and even eaten.
Smoking is the most prevalent marijuana use
Marijuana may have taken many forms, but it is still best enjoyed when rolled into a shape of a cigarette and smoked. People enjoy smoking it as is or using it with a bong, pipe, or filtration device. They also smoke it in a blunt or a cigar hollowed out, then the content is replaced with either pure marijuana or a mixture of tobacco and marijuana. Users have become so creative at smoking joints that they discovered many ways to repackage them, especially for recreational purposes.
Vaping and dabbing
Apart from smoking, marijuana is also widely used in a vape pen or a glass pipe heated with a blowtorch. However, unlike smoking, where they usually employ dried flowers and leaves, they use tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) or resin extract when vaping or dabbing.
Marijuana edibles
Marijuana extract may also be added to various recipes, from brownies to gummy bears, cereals, cakes, cookies, granola bars, and chewing gums. Certain beverages like teas, beers, and sodas may also contain portions of the marijuana plant for public consumption. Oral ingestion is rising in popularity among marijuana users. People often perceive that taking it in as food is less harmful than taking it in a cloud of smoke.
As mentioned earlier, marijuana extract in oil form has helped create fantastic treatment solutions for varying conditions. That’s how people took advantage of its potentially targeted relief, particularly for muscle spasms and chronic pain in people who have arthritis. In addition, drug manufacturers combine the infusing liquid with other healing ingredients for medicinal purposes. As a result, medical marijuana is undoubtedly the most sought after among its many available uses.
Various US states approved using cannabis in treating different conditions, including epilepsy, AIDS, cancer and many others. They come in pills, powder, sprays, oils, and ointments, administered in controlled doses based on prescription.
Marijuana use is widespread for both medicinal and recreational purposes. Legalizing the substance in many states prompted the production of different products bearing the ingredient. Its ability to provide symptoms relief and mood-altering effects without intoxicating proved beneficial for those looking for alternative therapies. There is continuous research about the substance’s healing properties to benefit more people.